Tuesday 27 October 2015

Concept of Deliverance


Deliverance is the act of rescuing, freeing or saving from danger or harm.  It is the state of being rescued, freed or saved. (Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, Revised Edition)

Deliverance is the state of being rescued from danger, evil or pain. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)

The Bible Dictionary defines deliverance as:
Ø  Release from captivity – Isaiah 49:24.
Ø  The expulsion of evil spirits from a person or things – Lk. 7:7 -10; Lk. 7:12 – 15.
Ø  Binding the strongman and spoiling hid goods – Mt. 12:29.
Ø  To loose the bounds of lives chained through wickedness – Jn. 11:44.
Ø  To destroy the yoke that the enemy uses to retard people – Jer. 30:8; Is. 9:4; Nahum 1:13.
Ø  Receiving freedom from forces of oppression like unnatural sexual urge, alcoholism, false religion, masturbation, bedwetting etc.
Ø  To remove curses, spells, jinxes cast upon people
Ø  Spiritual cleansing of houses, offices, factories, shops etc b y by chasing out bad spirits and destroying Satanic edicts.
Ø  Breaking of Satanic chains and fetters.
Ø  Removal of invisible heavy loads placed on people.
Ø  Uprooting evil seeds and trees planted in a person’s life.
Ø  Making the rough places plain.
Ø  Destruction of the works of Satan.
Ø  Removal of Satanic embargo placed on the lives of people and removing the reproach that Satan and wicked people had placed on someone.
Ø  Release from demonic attacks or spiritual impurities.
Ø  Setting free from Satanic influence.
Ø  Immunity against counter attacks by evil spirits.
Ø  Release from covenants being used by the enemy to restore bondage into the lives of people.
Ø  Rescue from damages done to the person while in bondage.
Ø  Purification from demonic pollution and impurities.
Ø  Liberty from Satanic bondage.

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